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    • Dynamic binding GLEISTEIN PES 8T GEMINI S 100m

    Dynamic binding GLEISTEIN PES 8T GEMINI S 100m

    150 g/m | 79 daN | elongation: 10% | Certification: DIN EN ISO 2307

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    Product description

    Dynamic binding GLEISTEIN PES 8T GEMINI S - 100m

    Packaging: 100m
    Material: polyester
    Elongation: 10%
    Weight: 150 g/m
    Rope limit load (MBS): 79 kN
    Certification: DIN EN ISO 2307

    System of dynamic protection of the tree crown against breaking.
    The rope of the GeoARBOR series is made of high-strength polyester.
    Easy and quick installation - braiding with a braiding needle,

    High resistance to degradation due to UV radiation.
    Around the trunk, the binding passes through a protective sleeve ARBOTEQ PES 63 mm.


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